Friday, December 31, 2010

Bakers Box Winner!

Thank you so much for all your amazing entries! 
I was so overwhelmed by the responses I received. I expected between 5 and 10 entries. I couldn't believe it when the comments and followers kept pouring in!  

And the Winner is.... #5  Congratulations to Lisa from Our Family's Journey to a Healthier Life

Box #1 Bakers Box:
Extra Fancy Vietnamese Cinnamon(my personal favorite)
Vietnamese cinnamon is the strongest, richest, and sweetest cinnamon around. For traditional cinnamon recipes such as gooey cinnamon rolls, the vibrant flavor of Vietnamese cinnamon really shines. It is so strong, that in most recipes it should be cut back by about a third, but it is perfect used full strength in any recipe where cinnamon is the main, delicious flavor. Ground, from Vietnam.1.7 ounces
We used it in our Sweet Potato Mold, in the place of the nutmeg we forgot to buy. I really enjoyed and now prefer (the change of flavor that was brought out by the) mace.. Mace, the lace-like, dried covering of the nutmeg, is a sweet and flavorful spice well worth using. Mace has a softer flavor than nutmeg, and for a nice change of pace it can be used in place of nutmeg in any recipe.  Mace is a traditional flavoring for doughnuts and hot dogs. 0.9 ounces
Baking Spice:
All-purpose blend of sweet baking spices- a mix of Ceylon soft sick Cinnamon, rich Mace, Sweet Anise, and a hint of cool Cardamom. Perfect for muffins, coffee cake, and banana bread, or sprinkle on coffee, hot chocolate, fresh fruit or oatmeal . Or just add up the spices your recipe call for and use the same amount of Baking Spice instead. 0.7 ounces

All Bakers Box Entries:

1. Lisa- Our Family's Journey to a Healthier Life  (comment)
2. Ericka- Musings from a Stay at Home Mom  (follower)
3. Lisa- Our Family's Journey to a Healthier Life  (twitter)
4. Lisa- Our Family's Journey to a Healthier Life  (follower)
5. Lisa- Our Family's Journey to a Healthier Life  (facebook)
6. Mommy- My Adventures in Mommyland  (follower)
7. Frenchy- Le Chateau de fleurs by Frenchy  (follower)
8. Swanky Baby's Mom (follower)
9. Shawn Becker- The Becker's-  (comment)
10.  Salem Momma- Staying Me  (follower)
11.  Catalina- FOO-ds!  (follower)
12. Tiffany- Tiff's Pixie dust (follower)
13  Nancy-How to Homemaker   (follower)
14. Single Infertile Female (comment)
15. Raelena- Through the Haze  (follower)
16. Raelena- Through the Haze  (twitter)
17. Raelena- Through the Haze (facebook)
18. Mika- Mika's Pantry  (follower)
19. Roberta- More Thyme than Dough (comment)- Chicken Soup
20. Roberta- More Thyme than Dough (comment)- Harvest Moon Cookies
21. Christina- C+C Marriage Factory-  (comment)
22. Debbie- Debbiedoos Blogging and Blabbing- (follower)
24.  Maggie- The Country Cook-  (comment) 
23.  Ester- Toddler Tales by Mommy (follower)
24. Reeni- Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice  (comment)
25. Vic- Freckles and Fudge (comment)
26. Food Hunter's Guide to Cuisine (comment)

True Random Number Generator  5Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Welcome 2011

To the end of the year and the beginning of a new one

I wish for you health, happiness and true friends.  May your hearts be full, may your hands never want and may your heads be full of dreams that will come in true as we welcome 2011
Thank you to everyone that reads and follows C.K.K.  I can't believe that Calamity Kate has been such a blessing to me in its short, 4+ months. Though Calamity Kate, I have made so many new and wonderful friends. After nearly a year of Not Just Vanilla, I left it in February, I vowed to never start another blog. The stress and the pressure were effecting my everyday life. I rarely got any pleasure out NJV. But by early August, I had enough and my fingers started to twitch. On August 24 I started Calamity Kate's Kitchen. I wanted to remain true to myself with out adding stress. Since this blog, other than cooking, is my only creative escape from life, I wanted to bring happiness and joy to me, myself and I only. I didn't want to care about comments or followers. This was just for ME. But in the end, I do care about comments and followers. Anytime someone leaves a note or finds CKK and follows, it makes my day. All I can say is... who knew that what was for me alone to love and escape to everyday, would bring such wonderful friends! 

Happy New Year to all of my new friends! 

Emily Miller
Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer,
With never a thought of sorrow;
The old goes out, but the glad young year
Comes merrily in tomorrow

Thanks to Roberta, the only twitter friend who makes me  laugh out loud!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On the Wing of a New Year

Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa/Boxing Day... and any other holiday I forgot. So as we make way for  2011 (Oy) we yet again celebrate with awesome amounts of food!  I, like everyone around me, have had more than my share of treats. Christmas and Hanukkah bring so many wonderful and very specific cookies, cakes, cupcakes and candies, not to mention roast, brisket, latkes, and heavy wonderful dishes filled with calories. Including my family's tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas. 

 So I thought, just for a change of pace, I would share this wing recipe with you. This recipe was a total fluke, I made it and then of course... read the recipe. Normally this would be a terrible idea, but it worked out and became one of my favorite chicken wing recipes. I have adapted this recipe a few times, but with the addition of this creamy and slightly sweet sauce... the recipe is amazing. It is defiantly going to come as a wake up call to your stomach after all this heavy, buttery, creamy,and sweet holiday food. 

This is also a great recipe for your Superbowl party. Enjoy!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Harvest Moon Almond Cookies

 These cookies are loved by everyone at work. I brought in 30 cookies on Sunday and today we ran out early in the day. People were complaining that they only got 1 or 2. These harvest moon cookies are delicious and of course, perfect for this holiday season. They are very nutty and not too sweet! I hope you enjoy these awesome Harvest Moon cookies and share them with someone you love!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Comment Love and a Spicy Giveaway

To my new friends, followers, and fellow blog hoppers... 

You all have made my day and my week. I have never had such an buzz from a blog hop before. Thanks for following, I am slowly getting to all of your blogs/facebook/ twitter links as fast as I can. I can not tell you all how truly blessed I feel each time I read your amazing comments.
I have felt a little lost from time to time, finding my way in this new blogging world. But having new friends, like yourselves, has made me not only jump with joy at each and every thoughtful comment. But it has made this blog, my big (jumping into the pool of risk, feet first) risk, worth more than I ever thought possible. So to thank you all for following me and leaving some kick-ass comments and since I have reached 30 followers, I am personally hosting 2 awesome giveaways!
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes topped with a Cranberry and Nutmeg

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chicken Soup that Warms the Soul #3

Homemade chicken soup!   One of the only foods that helps me when I am under the weather or just tired and sick of everything. As much as I love this time of year, winter is very blah  I do like making my own broth, but pre-made is ok too. I hope you enjoy this amazing soup and stay very warm. They are predicting even more snow for Indiana!  Yay I love snow. No, I really and truely love snow

My Very Favorite Jewish Chicken Soup
Serves 4-6 large servings. 

Chicken Soup that Warms the Soul #2

As promised (though very late) Farmers Market Chicken Soup.  I love soup, could you tell?  This is a great soup that you can make all year round. I change the ingredients depending on the season. I love using fresh tomatoes and fresh herbs in the summer and sometimes I add pre-baked sweet potatoes or squash in the winter.  This soup is very easy and mostly healthy, minus the butter is it really healthy. Last year I went to an awesome farmers market in Mountain View California with my aunt  and mother. I had never seen so much fresh food before and I didn't even recognize some of the fruits and vegetables. It was awesome and I returned home with some amazing pictures. This soup is based on many of the vegetables I saw at the farmers market. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chicken Soup that Warms the Soul #1

Hey everyone, this week has been crazy, however I have very different chicken 3 soups to share with you. With this crazy cold and snow coming so early this year (seriously) I am craving anything and everything hot! From soup to teas, hot chocolate and oatmeal. I spend my time dressed in layers of socks, sweaters and jackets, (I have a very very drafty apartment) and I am constantly covered with blankets. Last night my cats even spent the night under the covers. Oy Vey!  This soup is awesome and very easy to make. I recommend chopping up everything with your food processor, it just makes this soup even easier to make.  I love this soup, it is so delicious and VERY hearty but it is VERY healthy. I can't wait to share tomorrows soup with you. I just love this winter version of Farmers Market chicken soup with you. I am eating soup now! Have a great night and stay warm!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can (Animated Version)

Happy Holidays!
Insomnia has hit me for the 6th night in a row, ugh. So I thought I would share this awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa video that one of my friends shared with me. Happy Holidays! 
from a very very tired Kate

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hanunkkah Dinner and a few Stories

This year, like many years in the past, Hanukkah has come too early in the year. Hanukkah on December 2,  is too soon to recover from Thanksgiving. So my family is holding off our celebrations until later in the month. But here are some of our traditional Hanukkah recipes from last year.

Bubbe and Grandpa's Hanukkah Latkes
This recipe has been used for many many years in my family. I am lucky enough to have one of the original Temple Sisterhoods' Cookbook. I have my Bubbe's copy and I love it. This recipe is the favorite in my family.