Monday, January 31, 2011

And the Winner is...Chocolate Lovers Giveaway

Hi guys, unfortunately I am calling this Chocolate Lovers giveaway early on account of snow/ice! Sookie and I are packing up to wait out the storm at my parents house. At least they have a gas fireplace if the power/heat goes out.  Oh boy, lots of fun!

I am blown away by your support, love and awesome comments!
I was not expecting so many wonderful comments when I set up this 2nd giveaway. I also wasn't planning on losing my best friend/cat, Raider. So I thank you for all the added, extra support, love and concern. I feel so blessed by all of your support!  Thank you so much!
Thank You photo © 2009 vistamommy | more info (via: Wylio)
Chocolate Lovers Giveaway:
Comments December 31, 2010 to January 31, 2011
  1. Amy from The Scene from Me- comment
  2. Lulu from Lulapalooza-comment
  3. The Food Hunter's Guide to Cuisine- comment
  4. Lisa from The Nourishing Homemaker-follower
  5. Scott from The Foodie Spot- comment
  6. Lisa from The Nourishing Homemaker-comment
  7. Mary Anne and Mariel from Feast on the Cheap-comment
  8. Janelle from One Day at a Time- follow
  9. Maris from Mad about Martha
  10. Sweet Sugary Shenanigans- following 
  11. Sweet Sugary Shenanigans- twitter 
  12. Scott from The Foodie Spot- comment
  13. Holly at Roller Coaster Life- comment
  14. Hanna from Bouffe e Bambini- comment
  15. Laura from The Cooking Photographer- comment
  16. Roberta from More Thyme than Dough-comment
  17. Nicole's Homemade Treats...The Blog- comment
  18. JDjMCC - follower
  19. Eleonora from Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino-comment
  20. Emilie and Cat from Oh My Sugar High-comment
  21. The Food Hunter's Guide to Cuisine- comment
  22. Lisa from The Nourishing Homemaker-comment
  23. Renni from Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice-comment
  24. Fresh Local and Best-comment
  25. Jill from Strawberry Freckles-comment
  26. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  27. Sarah from This Writer's Journey-comment
  28. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  29. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  30. Roberta from More Thyme than Dough-comment
  31. Bitsy from I am Bitsy. Hear me Roar-comment
  32. Bitsy from I am Bitsy. Hear me Roar-comment
  33. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  34. Mrs Mix-it from Cooking Underwriter-comment
  35. Sylvie from Gourmadne in the Kitchen-comment
  36. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  37. Monica from Lick the Bowl Good-comment
  38. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  39. Roberta from More Thyme than Dough-comment
  40. Delishhh-comment
  41. Chrissy from Chrissy in America-comment
  42. Mandy83- follower
  43. Mandy83-twitter
  44. Mandy83-facebook
  45. Mrs Mix-it from Cooking Underwriter-comment
  46. Sylvie from Gourmadne in the Kitchen-comment
  47. Girichef-comment
  48. Donna -follower
  49. Donna-facebook
  50. Renni from Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice-comment
And now the winner is... 
#37 Monica from Lick the Bowl Good!

True Random Number Generator  37Powered by RANDOM.ORG


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited to win your giveaway. I'm a little surprised too because I didnt even know I entered it. So thank you!!! I am indeed a chocolate lover so this will be perfect. Thanks for being so generous. You rock!



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Cheers, Kate