Monday, March 14, 2011

Help and Home… Moving Out

There are many four-letter-words like love, want, stop, duck and a few that I won't mention but I use all the time. Today I am going to use 2 of these four-letter-words… help and home.
This is a smaller version of my new kitchen This picture was taken on a cloudy day!

April is a huge month for me, not only will I be turning 31 but my dad is very possibly having a very intensive sugary and I am moving for the first time in almost 3 years. 

Lucky for me  I am not going to far… less than a mile. But packing up this apartment is going to take forever. My new apartment is almost the same size but I am getting a slightly larger kitchen with a pantry and a much better layout. I am also getting light.

My current dungeon apartment  is on the first floor and I look out over a forest and ravine. It is beautiful, but all the light is cut off by my upstairs neighbors porch and the trees. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, in my apartment it is dusk. Dark with no light coming in, ever. So all I can say  how thrilled I am that I am getting exactly what I want. And how many times in your life do you get exactly what you want… I got my third floor (no balconies above me to hide the sun) and I got the larger kitchen with pantry. I am actually moving more than  a month before my old lease is up… so April 25.

  1. Help:
So now I have to ask for a couple helping hands…So this is a call out for guest bloggers. I need a few lovely people to help me out while I move. I need a few posts from April 20th to May 4th. I would love any guest post to be about

  • recipes
  • crafts
  • tutorials
  • photography
  • kitchen skills
But of course I am willing to expand my list. Thank you so much. If you are able to help me, please leave a comment with your email so I contact you. I appreciate you all so much and I can't believe I am asking for help! Oh, by the way… each guest blogger will get a little present for helping out.. what can I say, I am going to bribe you all! 

PS… today CKK hit 100 followers!


  1. 100 folowers!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with your move! And prayers to your papa! ♥- Katrina

  2. Hey, I'm in for a crafty post!! Email me with the details!! Would love to be part of your awesomeness! Hugs xxx

  3. That kitchen is just so cute, and you will feel 100x better with sunlight pouring in! Congrats on getting a new place.
    Hope that everything goes well with both your Dad and the move, don't let yourself get too stressed though, it can build up!!

    That being said, I would love to do a guest post with one of my recipes!! Just let me know :D

  4. I have posted several recipes on my blog that I can redo for a post here. Most are baking but one is a really delicious appetizer. Here's the link that lists all of them: Baking Up a Storm. Let me know if you want me to show a specific one. Otherwise, I'll pick or do a completely different one from my personal stash of recipes that I have a picture of. I can also explain how to do the Bunny Cakes for Easter that we do every year. Not many pictures but since you need a post around Easter...

    My e-mail:

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on 100 followers. You have worked very hard for this, and finally that hard work has paid off. You deserve it all.

  6. Yay for 100!! And for new digs - I love new places. Also, I'm such a newby, but if you need a recipe post, I'm sure I can pull one together for you. (I won't be hurt if you don't think I'm ready yet.) ;) ~ Courtney

  7. Ill do a baking post! You can check out my blog at How exciting to help out a stranger!

  8. Congrats on 100 followers! And the move! The new place sounds wonderful, everyone needs some light! I'd be happy to do a guest post for you but I'm not sure what I have to offer? Maybe a photography tip?


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Cheers, Kate