Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ice Cream, You Scream, We all Scream for this Ice Cream

Ice cream, two words that can excite most people. As you think back, what is my favorite ice cream? Is is different than what I liked as a child? Am I open minded about changing my favorite ice cream to something other than just chocolate or vanilla? 
My answer is yes. 
More than a year ago I borrowed a cookbook, Cucina Simpatica-Robust Trattoria Cooking, from our friend's R's. This is the same great cookbook that gave us on of my favorite pizza recipes. What a wonderful cookbook!

While I had the cookbook, I copied a number of recipes, including this one. As all cooks know, some recipes sound good, while others call to you. This ice cream recipe called out loud! I was expecting a nice strawberry ice cream, but what I got was a soft, sweet, bright and fresh ice cream. The basil acted like mint, it was super refreshing and so incredibly creamy rich ice cream with a super bright summer basil flavor. This ice cream is pink, and the smell is amazing, but it isn't a very sweet ice cream like you would get at the store. This is a unique (in the good way) ice cream. Please eat up!

Strawberry Basil Ice Cream

Recipe from Cucina Simpatica-Robust Trattoria Cooking
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup milk
2/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup fresh basil leaves
1 pint strawberries, hulled, pureed, and strained
2 tablespoons Meyer's liqueur de fraise (optional)

Scald the cream, milk, sugar, and basil in a heavy saucepan, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Remove from the heat and set aside for 1 hour, uncovered, to steep.

Strain into a bowl, discarding the basil leaves. Fold the strawberry puree and liqueur and chill for at least 1 hour.
Freeze in an ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer's instruction.
Makes 1 quart

Optional: I forgot to take out the basil leaves before I combined it with the strawberries. I love the flavor I got. Sweet but still savory. This is my new favorite, I know you will like it as well.

Cold Update: Ok, my heat is on and I am curled up under a blanket dreaming of summer. I was planning on holding this back for a few weeks, but man does it sound good! Stay warm while winter gets it's last laugh and spring will be here soon… if not then I am moving somewhere warmer than 24˚F. Cold nose, cold toes and cold cat do no make Kate very happy! (neither does my $250 electric bill for my 1 bedroom apartment)!


  1. Our electric bill is always high too. Against my husband's wishes, I always crank up the heat.

    This ice cream looks yummy. I would have never thought to add basil.

  2. I've had a similar combination with lemon instead of strawberry and was wowed with how good it tasted, now I need to try strawberry! And though I wish I could pity you for your heat, I cannot. We have been without heat for almost 2 months (our maintenance man is dragging his feet) and so the only thing I am feeling (beside the freezing 55 degrees we are currently living in) is jealousy. I want to be warm again!


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