Monday, March 7, 2011

Weight Watchers... Week #6

Yay today was a good day!  

 I couldn't believe after a week of feeling blah, grumpy, sleepy and yes I was crabby, (add up the dwarfs!) That I actually felt OK today. I  went to the grocery store, returned movies to red box and went to weigh in… a big day for a girl who hasn't left the house for a week, well other than to go to the doctor.  
Keep Fit Be Happy

I had no idea what to think about my weight today. After a week of almost chicken soup and not much else I thought maybe I had lost weight. But I have also been hopped up on steroids, sinus medication and antibiotics. So I really had no idea what I was in for when getting on the scale.
I lost 2.6 pounds!  
So I am down for a total of 7.4 pounds. 
So I finally got my 5lb star sticker- cause this girl needs her stickers. the way I made this awesome Soft Carmel Popcorn today! I am currently trying to ignore the Carmel-y goodness hiding in my oven. 

photo © 2008 Kevin Dooley | more info (via: Wylio)


  1. How can you make yumminess and ignore it? Popcorn is my favorite. Congrats on the weight loss although it sounds like you had a terrible week. I'm so glad you had a better day! xo

  2. Thanks Ashley, just so you know… the ignoring is not going well. (munch, munch, munch)

  3. Woohoo on the weight loss!
    Boo on being sick!
    I thought I had lost this week, turns out I was wrong. I blame the Girl Scout Cookies.

  4. Oh, you are a strong woman to lose weight with caramel corn around. I have a serious problem with eating yummy foods that are in my house--in mass quantities! Glad you're feeling better. It sounds like we've had the same miserable thing. Have a good Monday! Janae

  5. Hi there! I saw you being featured over on FTLOB and was intrigued by your recipes and photography. I am your newest follower :)

    Check out my blog and follow back if you like!

  6. Congrats on the weight loss. I will be glad to eat whatever pop corn you do not. LOL

  7. First of all, Girl Scout Cookies are absolutely to blame for last weeks weigh in was a whopping loss of .2! Dang Thin Mints!
    And I did end up tossing out the carmel corn, but not before I got some pictures to share with you all. Sorry Roberta. Unfortunately it seems that my strong power didn't out last the huge quantity of soft creamy carmel corn I had!


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