Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weight Watchers... Week #4

Week 4. I skiped Weight Watchers last week so I could cook a family Valentines dinner. But I have not been that good this week. I have a really bad habbit of finding something super easy to make for dinner and I will eat it all week.I soon will be turning a lovely shade of orange, for almost every night this week I have eatten a baked sweet potato. Oy, but I am so close to losing a total of 5lbs so I went to weigh in today. 

So no I didn't get to my goal today of .8 pounds, but I did lose .4 pounds. So today I am one less stick of butter on my weight loss goal and 26 pounds from my goal Please wish me luck this week! I will need it. 

and sometimes I just take pictures of sticks of butterphoto © 2008 Robert S. Donovan | more info (via: Wylio)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, your homemade oreo cookies are what got me! Very cool blog - I'm always looking for some kitchen inspiration!
    Tone xo


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